Thursday, April 28, 2016

Tuesdays with Morrie (Impact Blog)

Book: Tuesdays with Morrie
Author: Mitch Albom
Pages: 0-163

Based on the 6 Tuesdays you have read about in Tuesdays with Morrie, choose which topic (The World, Feeling Sorry For Yourself, Regrets, Death, Family, or Emotions) that has had the most impact on you or inspired you. On your blog discuss the importance of this topic with your own opinions, including textual evidence (direct quotes) from the book. 

          The Tuesday that impacted me the most was the fifth Tuesday where Morrie and Mitch talk about family. I say this because in this Tuesday Morrie says, "Love eachother or perish" (91). This made me think of an instance where you either loved eachother or perished. I though of the instance where you get assigned partners that you do not like for a long term project. In this case if you don't learn to love and get along well with your partners then you and your partners will perish and get a bad final grade for getting nothing done.

          Another reason that the fifth Tuesday has impacted me the most is because it made me think about how valuable my family is. What made me think this is when Morrie says, "If you don't have the support and love and caring and concern that you get from a family, you don't have much at all" (91). This made me think about how valuable my family is because when Morrie talks about the support you get from a family this reminded me that whenever I couldn't do something. And it also reminded me that whenever I couldn't do something my parents would show me support and how to do it better. Like reading a clock for instance, I used to struggle a lot in 1st grade when I tried to read a analog clock but after they saw my test results they helped me comprehend how to read the clock.

          My final reason that the fifth Tuesday has by far impacted me the most is because the way Morrie reacted when his children wanted to stop their lives to enjoy every last minute with their dad. Morrie said not to stop their lives, "Otherwise, this disease will have ruined three of us instead of one" (93). He is basically saying he doesn't want his children to suffer with him. This impacted me so much because he is looking out for his children when a large amount of the population would have rather had  their children by their side suffering while they battle death. Overall, this has been the most meaningful Tuesday because it has impacted and changed the way I think about family.

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