Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Socratic Seminar Morrie Reflection

Book: Tuesdays with Morrie
Author: Mitch Albom
Pages: 0-199 (End)


-Explain how the past four Socratic Seminars have influenced your thinking about Tuesdays with Morrie and life in general.

-What trends did you notice with yourself and your personal goals for each seminar? How did your personal goal(s) change and what did you actively do to change throughout our last four discussions?

-What trends did you notice with the class for each seminar? What did you notice that helped or hindered a specific seminar?

          The past four 
Socratic Seminars have influenced my thinking about Tuesdays with Morrie and life in general. The first Socratic Seminar started to get me to think, "How is this man that knows how is going to die soon, so optimistic?" I was thinking this way because be mentioned how he felt he was "Lucky" to be able to know that he is going to die, I also thought that I honestly would be very upset if I knew when I was going to die. By the fourth Socratic Seminar my thoughts completely changed, I even thought that Morrie was indeed lucky because he was able to say goodbye instead of just dying on the spot, like most people do. I also started to think after the fourth Socratic Seminar that others and I need to start helping our community because as Morrie explained, "The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.” (43)

          I noticed a trend with myself and my personal goals for each seminar. At first I was simply wanting to share more of my ideas, but then later on I started wanting to draw other people in, and then be the one who changes the topic that has been over discussed. My personal goals helped me drive me to do better and better each seminar. For intance, the goal that I made to talk more helped me because for the next three seminars I was able to drive myself into sharing more ideas. What also helped was that I had my goal from the previous Seminar set down next to me so I can glance at it to know if I am meeting what I wanted to meet so far.

          I noticed a trend in the class during each seminar. At first a lot of people, including myself, were to shy to share their ideas. Every seminar after the first one almost everyone had ideas they wanted to share and the number of people participating went up every seminar. I also noticed that having a page number ready to back up your explanation really helped in the third and fourth seminar. I think having a page number helped because while you are explaining others can read what you are refering to and make a comment connecting to what you just said. 

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