Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Bucket List Blog

Book: Tuesdays with Morrie
Author: Mitch Albom
Pages: 0-54

What are your initial reactions to what you have read in Tuesdays with Morrie thus far? One of the main themes developing in Tuesdays with Morrie is not to take your life for granted. Based on this premise, what is on your Bucketlist? You can write a paragraph leading up to a bulleted list of what you would like to do/accomplish in your life.

          From what we have read so far I feel that Tuesdays with Morrie is going to be and is a very sad book. The thing I find great about this book is that it makes me think about the concept of life. Morrie even though he knows he is going to die he is completely positive. He even has a living funeral because he says that it is a waste if he is dead hearing all of the amazing things that his companions have to say. I also think it is really cool of Mitch to go visit his professor because it's always nice to visit someone rather than call them on the phone.

          An example of when this book made me think is when Morrie said, "The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.” When Morrie says this I start to think that I need to devote my self more to the community around me. Another example of when this book made me think is when Morrie said, “...if you really want it, then you’ll make your dream happen.” This made me think that anything is possible and that everyone can follow their dreams, as long as they really and truly want it to happen. I think that as I read this book I will find more and more ways to live life better.

          A Bucket lists is a list of things you want to do before you die. Some of these things can be unrealistic like living with the sharks and some can be very real like shaking the presidents hand. While neither of those things are on my bucket list, here is my bucket list...

Bucket List

-get a high school diploma
-get a doctorate degree
-be an othopedic surgeon or orthodontist
-own an island
-own a rover on another planet
-own a planet
-win a big contest
-hike a volcano
-wear a life suit
-test drive an expensive car when I am 16-18
-find the cure to procrastination
-find a Netflix show nobody else knows about (so it won't be spoiled)
-fly in first class
-find a vending machine that takes twenties
-bungee jump off the golden state bridge
-sky dive like in the with 20 other people (like on the wii)
-win the lottery
-don't waste the lottery money on unecessary expenses
-go to Sydney with my family
-visit all 7 wonders of the world
-have no regrets

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