Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Schooled 4/15/15

Author: Gordon Korman
Pages: 1-78
Prompts: 1) Objective Summary 2) Describe the similarities and differences between the main character and you.

          My book so far is about a hippy who needs to learn how to be more professional in order to survive public school. The hippy's name is Capricorn but in the book they call him "Cap" for short. Capricorn is struggling in school because he doesn't even know what a telephone is and all he knows is what him grandma taught him because he was homeschooled. The only reason he is in public school is because his grandma fell out of a plum tree. Now all he wants is to leave public school and he also wants his grandma to heal quickly. Overall "Cap's" life is not going so well for him. 

          Capricorn and I have some differences. One of the differences Capricorn and I have is that Capricorn knows how to drive and I don't. I know that Capricorn drives because in the text it says, "...I drive all the time..." Another difference Capricorn and I have is that he has only used a telephone a couple of times and I use it everyday. I know that Capricorn only used a telephone a couple of times because in the text it says, "I regarded hime blankly. 'What's nine-one-one?' 'The emergency number! On the telephone!' I told him the truth. 'I've talked on a telephone a couple times. In town. But we don't have one.'" Overall Capricorn and I are pretty different. 

          Capricorn and I have some differences but we also have one similarity as well. One similarity is that we both have a grandmother that has been with us for a very long time. I know that Capricorn has had his grandma, Rain with him for a very long time because in the text it says, "'So you drove here. At thirteen.' ' I drive all the time,' I informed him. 'Rain taught me when I was eight.'" This quote shows how Capricorn has known his grandmother, Rain for more than four years. At the end, Capricorn and I have more differences than similarities.

I commented on the following blogs: Justin R.'s Blog, Omar R.'s Blog, and Giovanna G.'s Blog.

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