Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Of Mice and Men 4/22/15

Of Mice and Men
Author: John Steinbeck
Pages: 1-37

          In the ranch and bunk house there was a lot of both, positivity and negativity. Some positivity I saw in the ranch and bunk house was how Slim's dog had some puppies. Another positive thing that I saw was that George was okay with asking to get one for Lennie. I know that Slim's dog had some puppies because in the text it Slim says, "'She slang her pups last night,' said Slim." I know that George was okay with asking to a puppy for Lennie from Slim because in the text it says, "Lennie was watching George excitedly. George rumpled his arms into a messy pile. 'Yeah!' George said, 'I heard him, Lennie. I'll ask him.'" All in all, these are some pretty positive things that a new character from the ranch and bunk house brought.

          All of the negativity I saw in the ranch and bunk house all had to do with the new character, Curley. The reason that I say this is because he demands things. I know this because in the text it Curley says, "'You seen a girl around here?' he demanded angrily." Curley is very cocky because he just got married. I know this because in the text the swamper says, "'He got married a couple of weeks ago. Wife lives over in the boss's house. Seems like Curley is cockier'n ever since he got married." Overall, Curley is the main reason that there is negativity around the ranch and bunk house.

         Curley's wife doesn't have a name. The message I think John Steinbeck is trying to show us is that back then woman were treated badly. I know this because in the text Curley says, "'You seen a girl around here?' he demanded angrily." This quote shows how Curley think of his wife as just a girl, and nothing more than a girl. This quote also shows how he demanded instead of asking kindly, which shows how Curley thinks his wife is his property. At the end, the message I think John Steinbeck is trying to show us back then woman were treated badly.

I commented on the following blogs: Sebastian B., Nicolas F., John Z.

1 comment:

  1. Another great blog James! I like how you described the negativity in the bunkhouse and the positivity in the bunkhouse. I also like how you used textual evidence to back up your thoughts.
