Thursday, April 30, 2015

Of Mice and Men 4/28/15

Of Mice and Men
Author: John Steinbeck
Pages: 1-76

          In this book conflicts play a big role in the story. The conflicts helps build the story and make the story more engrossing and riveting. In the story, "Of Mice and Men" there is different kinds of conflict such as: Man vs. Man, Man vs. Self, Man vs. Nature, and Man vs. Society. The combination of all of these types of conflicts make the story more intriguing. At the end, the conflict in "Of Mice and Men" plays a major role.

          One of the conflicts that plays a major role in "Of Mice and Men" is a Man vs. Man conflict which is when Lennie wanted to feel the girl's (in Weed) dress because it was soft. I know that Lennie wanted to feel the girl's (in Weed) dress because on page 11 it says, "'Jus' wanted to feel that girl's dress like it was a mouse. This quote shows how Lennie just wanted to feel the girl's (in Weed) dress and also shows how Lennie likes mice. So the way that this has impacted the plot so far is that this conflict made George and Lennie go to the ranch and the bunkhouse, which is where mainly everything has been happening so far in the story. I know this because on page 11 George says, "...we got to sneak out in the dark and get outta the country." At the end, this conflict really impacted the plot dramatically.

          Another one of the conflicts that plays a major role in "Of Mice and Men" is a Man vs. Man conflict which is when Curley and Lennie fought. I know that Curley and Lennie fought because on page 63 it says, "Curley's fist was swinging when Lennie reached forit. The next minute Curley was flopping like a fish on a line, and his closed fist was lost in Lennie's big hand." This quote shows how Lennie and Curley fought and it also shows a metaphor. So the way that this imapcted the plot line is that without this fight they would not have potential problems with Curley and the boss. Overall, this conflict really impacted the plot dramatically.

I commented on the following blogs: Saul G., Omar R., and John Z. 


  1. Great blog! I thought though that you could have cut the first quote from paragraph one or take pieces because it was very long.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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