Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Travel Team Blog 2

Book: Travel Team
Author: Mike Lupica
Pages: 259 - 304 (End)

-Describe your least favorite character and explain why. Describe your most
favorite character and explain why.
-If you could change what you read, how would you change it?

          My least favorite character is Danny's father, Richard Walker. I say this ebcause of the horrible influence he gave his son. He got into an acccident for being drunk while driving. The worst part is that Danny's father had the responsiblity of being coach for the travel team. This was a bad influence because Richard is basically showing many that it is ok to let loose and make others suffer for you. This was probally one of the more upsetting parts of the book.

          My most favorite character is Will Stoddard. I say this because he was Danny's best friend and he even joined the travel team because they needed another player to compete. I find this very kind and likeable because Will goes out of his way to dedicate himeself to this team for his friend, which most probally won't do. Will is also my favorite character because he never gave up on the team and left when they were doing bad, he pesevered with Danny. He also cheered Danny up when he felt down after a game or struggle like his father's accident.

          If I could change what I read, I would most likely change the ending. I say this because all books have rather happier endings. I would like to see a plot twist and read that the teams are tied and never could finish their game due to lack of time. This would have been intresting because then I would end the book making the readers wonder if Danny's team won or did the Warriors (other team) win. This would probally be a good lead into a second book.

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