Thursday, March 3, 2016

Travel Team Blog

Book: Travel Team
Author: Mike Lupica
Pages: 0 - 258

-Describe the setting.
-Describe the major conflict. What side are you on?
-Describe the main characters.


          There were two main settings. Danny's house was one of the main settings. Danny practiced basketball in his driveway, all summer. He also hurt his shoulder on that court. He even texted his "girlfriend", Tess, from his room. Another main setting was where both travel teams played their final game, St. Patrick's gym. In this gym Danny practiced an played games.

Major Conflict

          The major conflict was the fact that Danny was cut from the seventh grade travel team for being to short. Too make it worse that was the team his dad previosult led to victory on ESPN. I feel this was unfair because he would have made a great point guard. I am sure that the team that cut him regretted it because his team ended up beating that team. This part of the book made me smile because you can see his succes after being shut down.

Here is small brief description of all of the main characters:

Danny Walker

Danny is the main character of this book. He is 4"8" and is 12 years old. He has sand colored hair and a small body. He is persevering, hopeful, and determined.

Richard Walker

Richard is Danny's father. He has big hand, sandy hair, and is 5"8". Without him making a second travel team for those who got cut from the first one, Danny would not have been so successful.

Ty Ross

Ty is one of Danny's friends. He quit the first travel team to play with Danny on the second team, even though Ty was the best basketball player in town.

Tess Hewitt

Tess is a very close friend of Danny's. She is always distracting Danny from the game but is very encouraging when it comes to when his father dies. She is Danny's "girlfriend" in the book.

Will Stoddard

Will is Danny's closest friend. He isn't all that good at basketball but he joined because without him the team would have been one player short.

Ali Walker

Ali is Danny's mom. She was the adult supervision on the bench. As you can tell she is a bit protective but she is also caring.

Jeff Ross

 Jeff Ross is the president of Middletown Basketball Association. He is Ty Ross' father. He is also a coach for the first travel team. He wasn't happy about Ty switching teams last minute. He is a very serious man.

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