Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Berlin Memorial Blog

1- What did you learn?
2- Why do you think this monument was built?
3- What did you notice about the number of laws passed in certain years?
4- Which restrictions do you think you would have the most trouble dealing with and why?

          I learned about a lot about laws passsed against the Jews in Germay from 1933 to 1945. Today we were able to look at about seventy of the the laws. I learned that and noticed that there was a lot of laws passed between 1933-38 and they only got more and more strict as the years wet on. For example, in 1942 Jewish children were not allowed to go to school which is crazy. I beleive the city of Berlin built the lamppost memorial to show how Germany respects the Jewish now because Hitler clearly showed how Gemany didn't before. This memorial also shows what the Jewish lost in pictures, so the people can possibly reflect on what/how they would have done/felt.

          There was the most amount of laws passed in 1933, 1938, and 1942. I think there was a lot of laws passed in 1933 because that was the start of Adolf Hitler's rule as chancellor of Germany. There were lots of laws past in 1938 because this was the year of the "Night of Shattered Glass (Kristallnacht) and thousands of Jews were put in concentration camps. There was most likey a lot of laws passed in 1942 because war was ending soon and with these laws he started to take away the Jews' civil rights.

          Most of the unbearable laws/restrictions were passed in 1942. One of the laws passed that I would have not been able to deal with was that Jews were not allowed to have milk. I say ths because milk is an essential part of life you need milk in order to have healthy bones, I also drink milk every morning and for lunch. Another law passed that I would not have been able to deal with is having to turn in electrical appliances, bicycles, typewritters, and records. I would not be able to deal with this law because I enjoy riding my bike during the summer and without records I wouldn't be able to listen to music, this law would basically leave me with nothing to do because it is taking away all of the enternament I would have.

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