Thursday, March 26, 2015

Poetry Reflection - James F.

          Poetry is very important in my life. Poetry is important to me because it gives me the opportunity to show what is going on in my life. Poetry is also important because it helps put your thoughts in words. Poetry is also important to me because it has helped me learn new thing like onomatopoeia and other figurative language that I never knew before. Poetry is also important to me because it helps me develop my writing and reading skills whenever I write poems or read other poem. All in all, poetry is important in my life because it helps me develop in many ways.

          Poetry belongs to everyone. Poetry belongs to everyone because it is a way to write down how your day was going and everyone has bad days and good days. Poetry also belongs to everyone because like many of my teachers say, "There is always room to improve." And poetry really helps anyone improve in their language arts and reading skills through writing poems which causes someone to learn figurative language so they can use it in their poem correctly. Poetry also belongs to everyone because when you analyze poems you get better at reading which also helps you improve. Overall, poetry belongs to every one because it helps you improve academically and it also helps you write down how your day was going.

          Your life and a every single one of your life experiences really affects the poem that the you create. Your life and life experiences affect your poem because if you are having a bad day your poem will be a little dark or more sad. Your life and life experiences also affect your poem because if you are having the best day ever and everything is going your way your poem will be more happy or even humorous. Your life and life experiences also affect your poem because if your whole life in general is not very uplifting your poems will be less happy and maybe even have an even mix of both good and bad in your poems. Your life and life experiences also affect your poem because if your whole life in general is very fun and everyday is just to fun to describe then your poems with most likely talk about the fun times you have or relate to the fun times that you had. At the end, your life and a every single one of your life experiences really affects the poem that the you create.

Where I'm From Poem
Two Voice Poem
Spine Poem
Found Poem
Nonsense Poem

Monday, March 23, 2015

"After Dark" - Found Poem

 By: James F.

            My found poem has many characteristics. The theme of my poem, "After Dark" is that after dinner it gets dark and it is time to go to bed. The meaning of my poem is that "After dinner" there is darkness and it is time for bed and everyone wants just a "thin moonlight" "at the end of the table." The message of my poem is that "After Dark" that darkness will come and then if you don't go to bed you  will of course want "Thin moonlight at the end of the table." The reason I colored my poem dark with a few stars is because my poem is about how it is dark "After dinner."

Thursday, March 19, 2015

"Be Positive" - Spine Poem

By: James F.

          My spine poem has many characteristics. The theme of my spine poem is to "Be Positive." The main point of my spine poem was to show people to "Start Something That Matters" and "Never Say Die" because that is negative. The message of my poem is to take "Small Steps." You would take "Small Steps" in order to become a more positive person by having "a little faith" in your self to become a more positive person if you are a pretty negative person right now. My poem was intended to tell people that you can always become a more positive person in life.

ThingLink - Poetry

I commented on the following people's blogs (ThingLink): Sonny S., Devin R., and Saul G.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Two Voice Poem

The Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning (Book 1)
By: James F.
Pages: 1-103
Count Olaf (Antagonist)
Violet (Oldest of the Baudelaire orphans)
I have heard many things about the Baudelaire's
one being that they are out of a home
another one being they are filthy rich
maybe if I am quick enough I will be their guardian
hopefully I am in time to take them into my possession
Oh why, oh why did my parents perish
my parents were so wealthy and intelligent
who will take care of us now
that my parents perished in the fire
I am so worried.
I am a peasant
and all I want is to be wealthy
so give me your fortune or else
I am wealthy
and I want you to leave me alone
your not even my relative
so stop following me
I am so upset!
I will fake marriage with you
so I can have your fortune by law
You are a cruel monster
leave me alone that's all I ask of you
Why can't you cooperate with me
and give me your fortune
Why can't you jut leave me
so I can live a better life
Why should I?
Why don't you respect me
I never did a single thing
I even gave you beds to sleep in
You claim to have done nothing
when really you are a demon
you held my baby sister way up high
then you threatened her
and all she could say is "Ah!
and on top of that you only give us one bed
so don't lie
I hate you!
How dare you talk back to me
I am your guardian
go make supper for me and ten others
and since your so rich make it yourself
and by the way make it quick
I hate Count Olaf
we should not be treated this way
if anything he should be nice to us
after all we are rich and smart
You have it all wrong!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

About Me

          Hello everyone, my name is James. I am in the 7A team and this is my first time blogging. I like to play games, sports, and go to the park with my friends. Some video games I enjoy are playing are GTA 5, Destiny, and Bioshock Infinite. My favorite sports are soccer and swimming. I have a little sister that goes to Emerson. My best subject is Math.

          My favorite genre of books is fiction. My favorite book series is The Series of Unfortunate Events because it is interesting and I just started the series. One of my favorite books that I already read is The Hobbit. I liked the Hobbit because it was packed with adventure and just a little bit of humor. Thats all, thanks for reading.