Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Wide Window 8/15/15 (Blog 2 of 4)

The Wide Window
Book #3 in the, "Series of Unfortunate Events"
Author: Lemony Snicket
Pages: 127-214(End)

1. After reading, I wonder…

2. Do you like what you’re reading? Why or why not?

3. If you were the author, what would you change? Why?
           After reading, I wonder what will happen next. I wonder if the Baudelaire will move to  better house this time and never have to see Count Olaf again. I am very curious what will happen in the next book. I predict that in the next book that Mr. Poe will take them to a very nice person to take care of the Baudelaire, hopefully this time the person won't be frightened by everything like their aunt was. At the end, I wonder what will the author write next for the Baudelaire's adventure.

          I enjoy what I read for several reasons. I like what I read because it didn't end with everything being fixed and everyone being happy. The book ended with the Baudelaire orphans happy to have one another but they were still scared because Count Olaf (Antagonist) is still out there and can still get them. This made me wonder if in the next book the author writes will Count Olaf come back again or will he give up and not come back again. All in all, enjoy what I read because it left me thinking what would happen in the next book.

          If I was the author I would change only one thing. I would change when Count Olaf's disguise was revealed to Mr. Poe. Instead of Mr. Poe finding out it was Count Olaf, Count Olaf should've fled as soon as he saw Mr. Poe have suspicions. I would change this because Count Olaf is known for running off and it didn't fit in with his character that he didn't just run away. Overall, the reason would change this is because it didn't make sense that he didn't just run because fleeing the scene is what he does. 

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