Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Miserable Mill 8/16/15 (Blog 3 of 4)

The Miserable Mill
Book #4 in the, "Series of Unfortunate Events"
Author: Lemony Snicket
Pages: 0 - 114
1. Describe the main characters.

          There are four main characters in "The Miserable Mill." The first main character is Violet Baudelaire. Violet is fourteen, making her the oldest of her siblings. Violet is very interested in inventing, she loves to take apart anything and make something new out of it. She also like to skip rocks whenever she got a chance to. Whenever Violet is deep into her thought of inventions she would put her hair up and tie it with a ribbon.

          The second main character is Klaus Baudelaire. Klaus is the middle child. Klaus' favorite thing to do was reading. At the age of twelve he knew more information than his entire family. Klaus always tells Violet the definition complicated words and he is younger than her by two years. Overall, Klaus just loves reading books and explaining things to others.

          The third main character is Sunny Baudelaire. Sunny is the youngest of the Baudelaire orphans. She has only four teeth, but they are very sharp. Her favorite thing to do is bit things, it doesn't matter what it is as long as she can bite it. Her siblings try to interpret her "baby language." For example, when she says "Gack" in the book her siblings interpreted "Look at that shiny object." Sunny is very small for her age, but her siblings say she makes up for it in the size of her teeth.

          The fourth and final main character is Count Olaf. Count Olaf is the antagonist of the book. He is unshaven and has one long eyebrow, rather than two. He has a tattoo of an eye on his ankle. He tried to marry Violet to get his hands on the Baudelaire's enormous fortune. He is very tall and has very shiny eyes. He also has a passion for deceiving people.

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