Monday, August 17, 2015

The Miserable Mill 8/17/15 (Blog 4 of 4)

The Miserable Mill (Spoilers)
Book #4 in the, "Series of Unfortunate Events"
Author: Lemony Snicket
Pages: 115 - 194 (End)

1. Think of a problem that a character had to face. Write the problem and how the
character solved it or is working to solve it. If you were that character, what

would you do differently?

2. If you were the author, how would this end?

3. How did the reading make you feel? Why? 
          In the book "The Miserable Mill," Klaus Baudelaire had been hypnotized. Klaus however snapped out of hypnotism and over heard the Count Olaf's plan to murder Charles. Since he heard this plan he rigged everything that was fatal to not even leave a scratch. The next day when he was hypnotized again Charles was put into a wood cutter machine, good thing that Klaus made the blade stop with a piece of metal allowing Charles to slide right through safely. I would've just taken out the blade instead of jamming it with a piece a metal because there was still a chance of Charles dieing.

          If I was the author I would've ended the story differently. Instead of Count Olaf breaking the window and running, I would've wrote that the window was bullet proof and
Count Olaf didn't even leave a dent. I would change this because I don't like how Count Olaf gets away because it leaves the Baudelaire scared, thinking that he might return. Another reason I would change this is because the whole book overall is pretty sad and this ending would make you want to read the next book. Overall, I don't think the ending to this book was very good.

          Reading this book made me feel bad for the Baudelaire orphans. I felt this way because during the entire book they always were doubtful and they never were happy not even for a second. For example the first sentence in the book was this, "The Baudelaire orphans looked out the grimy window of the train and gazed at the gloomy blackness of the Finite Forest, wondering if their lives would get any better." Just this sentence sets a very unhappy tone for the start of the book. At the end, This book made me feel bad for the Baudelaire orphans and their misfortune.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Miserable Mill 8/16/15 (Blog 3 of 4)

The Miserable Mill
Book #4 in the, "Series of Unfortunate Events"
Author: Lemony Snicket
Pages: 0 - 114
1. Describe the main characters.

          There are four main characters in "The Miserable Mill." The first main character is Violet Baudelaire. Violet is fourteen, making her the oldest of her siblings. Violet is very interested in inventing, she loves to take apart anything and make something new out of it. She also like to skip rocks whenever she got a chance to. Whenever Violet is deep into her thought of inventions she would put her hair up and tie it with a ribbon.

          The second main character is Klaus Baudelaire. Klaus is the middle child. Klaus' favorite thing to do was reading. At the age of twelve he knew more information than his entire family. Klaus always tells Violet the definition complicated words and he is younger than her by two years. Overall, Klaus just loves reading books and explaining things to others.

          The third main character is Sunny Baudelaire. Sunny is the youngest of the Baudelaire orphans. She has only four teeth, but they are very sharp. Her favorite thing to do is bit things, it doesn't matter what it is as long as she can bite it. Her siblings try to interpret her "baby language." For example, when she says "Gack" in the book her siblings interpreted "Look at that shiny object." Sunny is very small for her age, but her siblings say she makes up for it in the size of her teeth.

          The fourth and final main character is Count Olaf. Count Olaf is the antagonist of the book. He is unshaven and has one long eyebrow, rather than two. He has a tattoo of an eye on his ankle. He tried to marry Violet to get his hands on the Baudelaire's enormous fortune. He is very tall and has very shiny eyes. He also has a passion for deceiving people.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Wide Window 8/15/15 (Blog 2 of 4)

The Wide Window
Book #3 in the, "Series of Unfortunate Events"
Author: Lemony Snicket
Pages: 127-214(End)

1. After reading, I wonder…

2. Do you like what you’re reading? Why or why not?

3. If you were the author, what would you change? Why?
           After reading, I wonder what will happen next. I wonder if the Baudelaire will move to  better house this time and never have to see Count Olaf again. I am very curious what will happen in the next book. I predict that in the next book that Mr. Poe will take them to a very nice person to take care of the Baudelaire, hopefully this time the person won't be frightened by everything like their aunt was. At the end, I wonder what will the author write next for the Baudelaire's adventure.

          I enjoy what I read for several reasons. I like what I read because it didn't end with everything being fixed and everyone being happy. The book ended with the Baudelaire orphans happy to have one another but they were still scared because Count Olaf (Antagonist) is still out there and can still get them. This made me wonder if in the next book the author writes will Count Olaf come back again or will he give up and not come back again. All in all, enjoy what I read because it left me thinking what would happen in the next book.

          If I was the author I would change only one thing. I would change when Count Olaf's disguise was revealed to Mr. Poe. Instead of Mr. Poe finding out it was Count Olaf, Count Olaf should've fled as soon as he saw Mr. Poe have suspicions. I would change this because Count Olaf is known for running off and it didn't fit in with his character that he didn't just run away. Overall, the reason would change this is because it didn't make sense that he didn't just run because fleeing the scene is what he does. 

The Wide Window 8/15/15 (Blog 1 of 4)

The Wide Window (Spoilers)
Book #3 in the, "Series of Unfortunate Events"
Author: Lemony Snicket
Pages: 1-127

1. List the physical characteristics of the main character (clothing, physical 
features, etc.)

2. Who is the most important character to you? Why?

3. Are the characters realistic (do they seem like they could be real people)? Why
or why not?
          The main character, Count Olaf, has many physical characteristics. "He is very tall and very thin." (page 22) He's also "...unshaven, and rather than two eyebrows, like most human beings have he has one long one." (page 23) Count Olaf also has very shiny eyes I know this because on page 48 it says, "...the same dreadful and shiny eyes as before..." Count Olaf wears many different disguises to trick people. All in all, his clothing changes a lot, but not his physical features.

          Count Olaf is the most important character to me so far. I say this because even though he is the antagonist the story doesn't go on without him. Count Olaf is very deceiving and fools everyone around him all the time. The only people who he can't and never will trick are the people that he is going after. Which in this case are the Baudelaire orphans.
          I feel that the characters in this book are very realistic. For example, the Baudelaire orphans' aunt committed suicide and left a note in her library to go with Captain Sham. Captain Sham was a man who gained the aunt's trust. What the aunt didn't know was that Captain sham was in disguise and he really was count Olaf, the antagonist. The Baudelaire's were very upset that they were stuck with Count Olaf and shocked that their aunt killed herself. (pages 68-69) Overall the characters are realistic because the characters have their own feelings, thoughts, and emotions just like real people.

These are the Baudelaire orphans. The Baby is called "Sunny."

 The older girl is called, "Violet." And the boy is called "Klaus"