Friday, May 22, 2015

Books I would like to read!

These are the top 5 books/series that I would like to read/look into in the near future:

1. Ungifted by Gordon Korman

2. The Eleventh Plague by Jeff Hirsch

3. Trash by Andy Mulligan

4.The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien

5. The Chronicles of Narnia Series by C. S. Lewis

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Paradox and Dream Blog

James F.
Paradox Reflections

Paradox Reflection One:

“We are complacent in our possessions, in our houses, in our education; but it is hard to find a man or woman who does not want something better for the next generation.”

This paradox shows what is happening with people in the United States. In the paradox, John Steinbeck is saying that we are happy with our lives and our belongings. He shows us this by saying; “We are complacent in our possessions, in our houses, in our education…” Then John Steinbeck is saying that even though most people are happy with their lives they want their child or a young person that they know to do better than them. He shows us this by saying; “…it is hard to find a man or woman who does not want something better for the next generation.” Overall, John Steinbeck is saying that even though that some people are happy that they want the future to be better.

The reason I picked this paradox was because I can connect to it through my personal experiences. I can relate to this paradox because of my family members. My parents relate to this paradox because they are completely happy with their lives, yet they encourage my sister and I to do better than they did. I feel that many parents do this is because even though they are doing great in life they want the best for their children. All in all, I choose this paradox was because I can connect to it through my personal experiences.

Paradox Reflection Two:

“Our lives as we live them would not function without electricity, but it is rare an or women who, when the power goes off, knows how to look for a burned-out fuse and replace it.”

            This paradox shows how electricity is an American way of life and how we would be without it. In the paradox, John Steinbeck is saying that we all live with electricity in our lives and that is all we do. He shows this by saying, “Our lives as we live them would not function without electricity…” Then he is saying that if the power went off nobody will know how to replace the burnt fuse. He shows this by saying, “ is rare an or women who, when the power goes off, knows how to look for a burned-out fuse and replace it.” To conclude, this paradox is showing how we are dependent on electricity went when it breaks we can’t fix it.

            The reason I picked this paradox was because I can connect to it through one of my personal experiences. I can relate to this paradox because I kind have exampled this paradox. So, when I was playing on my Xbox, in the middle of the summer, the power went out. Then, since I did not know what to do and did not charge my phone I had nothing to do so I waited until my dad came home to fix the burnt fuse. At the end, the reason I picked this paradox was because it related to one of my personal experiences.

(The picture below is a picture of a burned fuse. A=fine B=burnt)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Final Reflection Blog 5/15/15

James F.

1- What are the three most important things you learned this year?

2- What is something we did this year that you think you will remember for the rest of your life?

3- What was the nicest thing someone in our class did for you this year?

4- What is something you taught your teacher or classmates this year?

5- In what area do you feel you made your biggest improvements? What is something you accomplished this year that you are proud of?

6- What was the most challenging part of this year for you?

7- What was the best piece of writing that you did this year? Why do you think it is your best?

8- Of the books you read this year, which was your favorite? Why?

9- What advice would you give students who will be in this class next year?

          I have only been in this class for the 4th quarter, but so far I have learned a few really important things. I learned about figurative language and how it really helps when writing poems. I also learned how to annotate an article, without just highlighting everything. I also learned how to write several different kinds of poetry, which was really interesting to do. One thing that we did this year and I won't forget is reading and viewing Of Mice and Men because it was interesting and fun to read together, as a class.

          This year Mrs. Larson's classroom was very positive. I say this because this year when I first came into the classroom a student that goes by Sonny S. offered to help me transition into this class and introduce me to the schedule and normal things that we do in this class. This quarter I taught one of my classmates how to take better notes. I showed that person how to take better notes during the viewing of Of Mice and Men (the movie). All in all, Mrs. Larson's classroom was very positive and my classmates and I learned a lot.

          Mrs. Larson's literature and language arts classes were very challenging, but I was also able to improve a lot in a specific area. The most challenging part of this year was my first article of the week. The reason that my first article of the week was so challenging was because I did not understand how to do them properly then I clarified how to do the with Mrs. Larson and now I do not have problems doing the article of the week. The specific area that I felt the most improvements was in poetry. I felt the most improvements in poetry because we worked on it a lot and as I made more poetry I felt that it became better and better.

          In these literature and language arts classes I have done a lot of reading and writing. My favorite book that I read this year was The Bad Beginning: Series of Unfortunate Events, by Lemony Snicket. I liked this book so much because it was the introduction book to the rest of the Series of Unfortunate Events. I also like this book because it was a great fiction story about how the Bauldaire orphans became orphans. I think that my best piece of writing was my "Dream Poem." I say that this is my best piece of writing because it was my latest piece of poetry and I felt that I put enough time and effort into it in order to make it a great piece of work. 

          For the future students of Mrs. Larson's literature and language arts classes I recommend many things. I recommend you have confidence in your work because if not then you probably didn't do your best and then bad consequences come with that. I also recommend that you respect Mrs. Larson because she will be nice if you are nice with her. Last but not least, always listen to the instructions she gives you because it will be extremely hard to do the work without them. Overall, just do positive things and avoid doing the more negative things.

I commented on the following Blogs: Justin R., Jared A., Diana A.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Symbolism Blog 5/15/15

James F.

A soccer ball represents me is several different ways. A soccer ball represents me because if a soccer ball is pushed or blown by the wind it will move and if I am talked to I will talk back but if not then I will stay put in my place. Another way a soccer ball represents me is because a soccer ball can get dirty and spends most of its day outside and this relates to me because I like to go outside for most of my day when the weather is warmer outside. One last way a soccer ball represents me is because a soccer ball can get flat and then in a few seconds you can fill it with air again. This relates to me because if someone puts me down then says an apology then I will be fine again just like how you can choose to inflate a soccer ball. All in all, a soccer ball relates to me in several different ways.

I commented on the following blogs: Siari R., Devin R., Yareli H., Michael H., Mia C.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Of Mice and Men 5/12/15

James F.
"Of Mice of Men"
Author: John Steinbeck
Director: Gary Sinise

           In the book “the incident in Weed” was told to us differently than it was in the movie. In the book the incident was told to us by George when he was yelling at Lennie by the river. I know this because in the book on page 11, George yells, "Jus’ wanted to feel that girls’ dress - jus' wanted to pet it like it was a mouse - Well, how the hell did she know you jus' wanted to feel her dress?" This is different from the movie because in the movie it shows Lennie and George running away and hiding then catching a ride on the train passing by at night. Overall, the “the incident in Weed” was told to us differently than it was in the movie because in the movie they showed what happened and in the book it was shown in dialogue.

          The beginning the "stage" was set up differently book than in the movie. In the book the stage was set up by the pond then dialogue started. In the movie it started with George and Lennie sneaking on a train to get away from Weed. I think that the director chose to do this to give us a sense of why they ended up by the pond. The director is telling us that George’s life is mainly him getting Lennie out of messes and that his life is not that easy because he can't pay for transportation so he has to sneak on a train. Altogether, George does not have and easy way of living and the you can see that at the very start of the film.

          I think that the director’s choice of Sharilynn Fenn to play Curley’s wife was a fit person to do the the job. All that Sharilynn Fenn needed to be perfect to play Curley's wife was if she had rouged lips. I say this because on page 31, it says, “She has full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, heavily made up. Her fingernails were red. Her hair hung in little rolled clusters, like sausages." This quote shows that  all the director could have added was this feature to make her really look like how she was described in the book. Overall, if the director did not miss on this tiny detail his choice of Sharilynn Fenn to play as Curley’s wife was a good choice.
(I show a picture of Sharilynn Fenn to back up my reasoning below.)

I have many thoughts, feelings, and reactions to Of Mice and Men. I actually really thought that at the end it was going to happily ever after but guess not because the ending was intense and sad. I would recommend this book to comic book readers. I would do this because most comic book readers like to read action and suspense, and
Of Mice and Men is full of it. At the end, I feel that I would like to read John Steinbeck's other books because Of Mice and Men was such a great book, that I can predict that his other books can be just as good and maybe even better.  

I commented on the following blogs: Justin R., Jared A., Giovanna G.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

AOW Impressions 5/5/15

          Today, I learned about many new things. One of the topics that interested me was "Doomsday at Mercury." This topic was presented by Michael H., and he really inspired me to learn more about this topic. I did some research on this topic and with my research and Micheal's research I learned that the NASA spacecraft set out to go to Mars was orbiting for four years then ran out of fuel This caused the spacecraft to plummet at about 8,750 miles per hour right into Mercury's surface making a huge impact crater. At the end, it was good that this spacecraft was ran by machines otherwise the men inside would not have been able to survive.

          Today I also learned more about child abuse and neglect, in general. This topic was presented by Mia C., and she really showed me how child abuse and neglect is horrible. She told me that in the year of 2012 about 1, 593 kids died from abuse and that 44% of them were under the age of one year. One of the ways they abused the children was by faith healing which is not taking your kids to the doctor, instead hoping they heal by themselves. All in all, child abuse is extremely bad and you should encourage others to never do it.

          The way that Michael H. and Mia C. presented their information made me want to look farther into the topic. One way Micheal H. presented his information was by relating the spacecraft plummeting to a rock falling onto the ground from a ten-story building at over 8,000 miles per hour. One way Mia C. presented her information was by showing me the pictures of what the kids look like after being horribly abused. Another way Mia C. presented her information was by showing me graphs and charts in her article to help me understand what the numbers were, like how in 2012 about 1, 593 kids died from abuse. Overall, the reason I chose to write about these topics was because the way the intrigued me by the way they presented their information.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Dream Poem 5/1/15

Prompt: Based on your brainstorming via Edmodo, write a short poem elaborating on your dream and/or why dreams or visions are an important part of life.

"Dreams Are Important"
By: James F.

Dreams are fascinating
Dreams are important
It is hard to live life without dreams
Dreams will help you overcome the bad
and take the good

Dreams are good to have
If your dream is realistic it is possible
As long as you have a dream you will never be lost
and your time won't be wasted
Dreams are great to have around

Dreams bring hope
and felicity
with a smile
the bolder the dream
the better it will be

Dreams will
help you believe and see things
that you can achieve
if you push to do your best
anything thing is possible to achieve

Dreams are fascinating
Dreams are important
It is hard to live life without dreams
Dreams will help you overcome the bad
and take the good

 I commented on the following blogs: Diana A., Nicolas F., and Devin R.