Thursday, December 3, 2015

TKAM-Character Relationships Blog 12/3/15

Book: To Kill a Mockingbird
Author: Harper Lee
Pages: 0 - 164
Character pair: Miss Maudie and Calpurnia

a. Similarities to each other
b. Differences from each other
c. Relationship to Scout friend, maid
d. Effect on Scout feminiism

          Miss Maudie and Calpurnia are similar in a couple ways. The first way that I found them similar is that both Miss Maudie and Calpurnia are persevering though life. Miss Maudie had to persevere through the loss of her house and Calpurnia has to persevere through having to speak two "different languages," "negro" and common English. The second way that I found them similar is that they are both kind. Miss Maudie is kind because when Dill and Jem wouldn't pay attention to Scout she was there for Scout to talk to. Calpurnia is kind because when Atticus was gone she took them to her church called, "First Purchase African M.E. Church," which made the children interested in Calpurnia's ways.

          Miss Maudie and Calpurnia are different in a couple ways. The first way that I found them different is that Miss Maudie and Calpurnia are of different races. Calpurnia is African-American and Miss Maudie is white. The second way I found them different is that Calpurnia spends her time indoors, cooking. Miss Maudie spends most of her time outside, as a botanist.

           Miss Maudie and Calpurnia are related to Scout in different ways. Miss Maudie is related to Scout as a friendly neighbor. This makes it easier for Scout to talk to her knowing that she won't be seeing Miss Maudie all the time. Calpurnia is related to Scout by being her house keeper. This is important to the novel because Scout realizes that she does not know Calpurnia very well and decides to spend more time with her since Jem is maturing.

          The effect Miss Maudie and Calpurnia have on Scout is that they are her feminine influence. Scout is learning a lot about being a girl from Miss Maudie and Calpurnia. Even though Scout does not like the gender stereotype of being a girl, she is learning a lot of valuable lessons from these characters. Miss Maudie and Calpurnia are the main women role models, giving them a big part in Scout's life. At the end, Miss Maudie and Calpurnia play a huge part in Scouts life and without them Scout would be different.

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