Thursday, September 24, 2015

OBAA Blog 9/24/15

Of Beetles and Angels
Author: Mawi Asgedom
Pages: 0-119

"Obama's decision to take in refugees faces criticism"
Author: CBS News


Connections made through individuals, ideas, or events. 'How does war affect individuals and societies?'

          In "Of Beetles and Angels," Mawi and his family are a group of refugees. I know this because at the beginnning of the book, it says, "Left Ethiopia and lost his home, his extended family, education, and friends." The quote shows how Mawi and his family are refugees because it shows how they lost their home and everything with it when they fled. In the article, "Obama's decision to take in refugees faces criticism," it also mentioned refugees. I know this because in the article it says, "Four million people have fled Syria already." This quote shows that four million documented people have fled Syria.

          In "Of Beetles and Angels," Mawi was very young when he left his home so seek safety. At the beginning of the book, Mawi says, "I remember our journey and the woman we met. Despite her fatigue, she walked and walked and walked, trying to limp her way to safety across miles of stones and rocks." This quote shows one of his past events that he still remebers. This quote also shows how Mawi had to go through some tough sights when he was kid. In the article there was a young child going through a really tough time as well. I know this because in the article it says, "...public outcry over the image of a 3-year-old Syrian refugee whose body recently washed up on Turkish shore." This quote shows how this young refugee has lost his life while seeking refuge, which isn't as bad as what happened to Mawi yet they both went through hard a hard time as young children. 

          Wherever war is it affects everyone and thing around it. I know this because in the past week of school I have been learning a lot about refugees. I also found out that a massive increase in refugees is due to the fact of war in the general area where all of the people are fleeing to seek refuge. War also affects society because by these people fleeing their country, they are coming into other countries and increasing there population. They also lose there way of life because they leave their culture and country to move to another country that does not have the same culture, so the refugees change their culture because of war. At the end, war has a massive impact on people around it. 

After AoW gallery walk:

          Whereever war is it affects everyone and thing around it. I know this because in my class' gallery walk, Sonny said, "59.5 million Syrians were forced to get out of their homes." This proves how war affects everyone around it because these large amounts of Syrians are forced out of their homeland to survive through war. I also know know that war affects society because in my class' gallery walk, Michael said, "10,000 refugees will come to the US." This quote shows how war affects society because these refugees are not only a high risk to America, according to Obama, they are also having to change their way of life to fit ours beccause of war.